Tuesday, November 21, 2006


Dear Friends,

When we will breathe our last breath and would go to St. Peter’s pearly gates – he would surely gonna send us to Heaven. Because, he surely knows that we PR pforessionals have been through the hell during our lives.

There are many instances when one wonders that what made him/her choose PR? I personally come across many idiots in our field at all levels, I have also come across many agencies, which are existing and flourishing without understanding the business (that made me realise that GOD exists!) and so on… The list is endless. I take this great opportunity to invite you my dear friend, to share your experience about anything – be it a client, agency, your bosss, your subordinate, a journalist, journalists, your dhobi, your moti………………………

I as an editor of this blog, gurantee you to publish your post without any editing. As you won’t be able to edit my copy, why should I edit yours? But, a sincere request – please take full responsibility of what you write and be careful in selecting your words.

So keep’em coming folks! I am waiting…

